Pitch & Planning Session
People make films, not equipment. The idea of this event is very simple. Put people who have an idea for a movie and people who want to work on movies in the same room. Let the people with an idea pitch their idea to the room and then let them all meet up and discuss and plan. Like many simple ideas, it is a very powerful one. Without this physical place to meet it’s a lot harder to get a start for people without experience or connections. There are many film networking events going on all the time in Berlin, but this event is focused on helping people get films made. We meet once a month and welcome all levels. Come on down and either pitch your idea or listen to others pitch theirs.

Do you have an idea for a film that you want to make? Do you need help working on the script, planning, shooting, or editing of your idea? This event gives you the chance to pitch your idea and what you need to a room full of people eager to help. You can ask for help at any stage of the filmmaking process. We make sure that this isn’t a pressure filled environment and this event is open to first time filmmakers. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming community that invites people to grow and learn. We know how hard it is to figure out how to make your ideas a reality, especially as a beginner, this is the event we wished we had when we just starting out.
Are you excited simply at the thought of working on a film? Maybe you work on film projects that aren’t fulfilling and need to do something more creative. Or you are a student who just graduated and are looking to start applying what you’ve learned. Perhaps you have always wanted to work in film, but didn’t know how to get a start? This event is tailored not only to the people with ideas, but also to those people wanting to express themselves by working on set. This event brings in people from complete beginners to people with years of specialized film experience. The thing that brings them all together is a love of the process and a passion for film.

Pitch & Planning Session
Date: For the next dates please follow us on either:
Facebook or Meetup
Time: 19:30
Space Meduza Bar
Skalitzerstr. 80, 10997 Berlin
Berlin Film Community
We meet at Space Meduza bar – 80 Skalitzerstr., 10997 Berlin
Notes from previous Pitch & Planning Sessions
Notes from Pitch & Planning #49 - October 2, 2024
We had an amazing Pitch and Planning Session at the beginning of the month. Sorry for the delay in posting I have been super swamped with work and travel.
Instagram – @Kv_eze
Insta – @lean_art_official
Instagram – @aleistia
Insta – @Ts0_entertainment
Notes from Pitch & Planning #47 - July 3, 2024
A man is convinced his neighbor is a vampire. The authorities takes him in to a psychiatric ward.
2 days end of July 28/29
Small budget for film equipment and such
Looking for:
Set Designer for 2 Apts
Makeup Artist
Tess Masero Brioso
Fiction Feature film has 2 Spanish Production Companies involved looking for potential coproduction companies in Germany or France. Looking for 2 million in funding in total.
Social drama with a thriller twist. The fear of loneliness and letting go and what a person can do when they can’t control things.
A daughter falls in love with a man who is not very engaged with her. The mom then pretends to be the man the daughter likes.
Looking for:
A woman goes to a cellar and sees pictures from WWII and then opens up a door to that time period.
Will shoot in one of the upcoming weekends.
Will be mostly single shots. Will be doing VFX to show WWII scenes.
Looking for :
Female Actress native German speaker
Lea Simon
2 hour feature film in German about Hungary.
Historical Political film that has already been made. Covers the last 400 years of the Hungarian experience. Made for the German and European market.
Looking for a distributor in Europe, but doesn’t want a Hungarian distributor due to the political situation and blacklisting.
Looking for:
Producer who can give advice about finding a German speaking company regarding distribution so that she doesn’t get ripped off.
Amr Galal
Romantic drama feature film in Arabic
Already made one feature film that is on Amazon Prime
Egyptians girl who is pressured by her family to go to Germany. Meets a very chill German guy who speaks Arabic. She faces the consequences when her family comes and sees him in the apartment.
Self financed low budget.
10-15 minutes long
Sci fi Comedy
A jealous guy from the future takes a guided tour to the past to try to find his estranged girlfriend. In the past he has a translation unit that uses a very old German translation. He only has 30 minutes to try and find her as he can’t afford a longer trip.
He then has a friend to go has a time accident where he seems his great great great grand father having sex and it end his existence.
He manages to find his girlfriend who has overstayed her trip and remained in the past and the guy she is now with. He goes to punch him but realizes it is actually him but older.
The camera is very point of view with an interface that explains facts of the time.
Shooting last week of August 26-30 or so. 1 1/2 hr north of Berlin in Brandenburg
Looking for:
Teresa Piontek
Proof of concept to send to production companies
Short film
Fantasy coming of age film in the fae world. Think lord of the rings. Everyone can control the elements except for Ellen. She is a fish out of the water. She travels to the human world and sees that people are like her. She p
3 shooting days
2nd of August to 4th of August
I’m Brandenburg
Looking for:
Art director
Sound designer
Light assistant
Set runner
Handaa Rea
Wrote a book called Stigmatized
Looking to adapting this book into a film
Looking for advice to make this happen
The book Stigma is about someone’s shame about their identity. Takes place in Mongolia with a 15 year old girl who has Tuberculosis. There is a huge taboo around it and people have to hide the fact that they have this diseases. Follows the girls journey to overcome this stigma and eventually overcome the disease itself.
Delas with feeling of “If TB happened to me I must be unworthy. I have it cause I am poor, because I didn’t eat well, because of other reasons.” But sometimes things happen for no reason. Trying to fight stigma and reach more people by making a film with a human story to touch more people.
Working on screenplay hopefully finished by October.
Looking for:
Coffee chats to get advice from:
Screen Writer
Notes from Pitch & Planning #43 - March 6, 2024
Lucas Waclawczyk
Insta: lucaswzyk
Mail: info@lucaswac.com
5 year project. Feature film was made out of a gala event where the acting happened in the middle of the event without the gala attendees knowing.
Looking to take the existing story and make this movie happen annually over the next five years.
Also looking Short videos for social media.
Looking for:
A writer
An editor
Finance for movies – CFO of a young startup
Short film
Applying for funding.
The Green Border – Polish Belarussian border story.
Small cute white dog going for a walk on a leash, pulling on the leash. In Poland bear the border. Before the tensions rose the dog was easy going.
Dog owner is trying to train and control the dog. It isn’t about the owner so much tho.
She talks to her friend about the dog. the fiancee of the friend is a military person and says that he will tell his boys to
The dog gets off the leash and runs away and the next day the dog comes back dirty. The dog has notes and photos attached to its harness.
Hoping to shoot in Poland
Looking for:
German based producer
Marcel Flock
Email: mars09415@gmail.com Instagram: Marcel.Flock15
Facebook: Marcel Flock
Danny Goodman
Twisted Choices
Feature film
Story about the music business and how it sucks people in and holds people down. A woman finds a way to free herself from this system but faces repercussions.
Character study on a psychological level. A singer vanishes from the spotlight and the record label tries to her her back by threatening to sue her.
She also has a secret identity where she lives a double life and there is a danger that the record producer will reveal her secret life.
Looking for:
Production design
Costume design
Financing – Co-Producer
Looking to shoot in August
Gang of Vermin
Financing by NFT for tickets or other items
Become a member of the pool
Will potentially have a say in the making of the film.
Short film – like reservoir dogs
Who dunnit about diamond thieves. Looking for the rat who sold them out.
Looking for:
NFT knowledgeable person
Social media person
Kimberly Mareen
Ig: kimberlymareen
Make a movie in one day.
3 minutes
A poem that has been turned into music. Wants to brainstorm about the visual aspect of filming it.
No budget. A nice time, food provided.
Inspired by the monotone times we are living in. Something dark getting transformed into something light.
Looking for:
Collaborators who will have a say as well
Mayari Quiñónez
Directing short film
Truth untold
5-6 minutes
Young couple get into an argument when the male character hasn’t done the dishes and the female feels she is doing all the work.
Looking for:
Man and woman – mid to late 20’s
Shooting days 11th & 15th of April.
Email: crasherscollective@gmail.com
Instagram: _dashakostina_
This must be the place
Toxic Mother daughter relationship
Turbine syndrome
They are in a house and the daughter is thinking of moving out. The turbines are spinning and they get into a huge fight. The mother gets mad at the daughter and pushes her and she dies.
We then go into the works of stop motion witg claymation. The mother leaves the house and looks strange due to the filming. She deals with the repercussions. She gets back into the apartment and the daughter is there and the daughter is there. She then repeats the pattern as a turbine would turn.
Building a set in a 90’s Slavic style
English language
7-10 minutes
Looking for:
Sound recordist
Daughter – 18-24
Mother 40-60
Shooting April 18-19
Notes from Pitch & Planning #42 - November 1, 2023
We had a very solid turnout at the last Pitch & Planning Session with lots of great pitches. The descriptions below are my best attempt to live transcribe them. If you are interested in helping out with any of the projects, or want more info, please reach out only to the person by their link. I do not have more information than I am posting. I hope to see you at the next one!
Ben [https://www.facebook.com/dr.sharpwrite] and Ulf [https://www.facebook.com/ulfgroote/]
Currently starting Salto de Fido [https://saltofido.org/], a “10,000 € movie” booster club, which finances and distributes Berlin-based micro-budget feature films. They are looking for filmmakers and non-filmmakers, who want to support film and the arts as volunteers.
If you want to know more, if you have a Berlin-based micro-budget feature film idea that you can make for 10,000 €, or if you (or someone you know) want to network, get mentoring, and support filmmakers as a volunteer, visit https://saltofido.org
1st test film is already being shot.
Get updates from the
Email newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/saltofido/newsletter
Yusuke Sato
Short film about middle aged couple who lost an old friend who is a pianist. This takes place in a cafe church and park and is about the 40 minute break during the funeral. One simple conversation that changes their life.
Inspired by Ghost Story.
Looking for:
Sound person
30’s male
30’s female
60’s male pastor
Makeup artist
Set Designer
Dec/Jan shooting
Drew McGee
5 pages
Neue Nosferatu
Outside of a Späti. Couple of working class guys drinking. One is bullying the other asking him why he isn’t hanging out with him. Black cat, bulky cuts his hand. The loner wants to suck his hand. He has been suffering trying to hold back his “hunger”. Vampire buddies come in and tell him they knew he would succumb.
Looking for:
All roles
Looking to shoot before the holidays. Late Nov. early Dec.
Tom Schildberg
Short Narrative film – 30 minutes
Shooting in 2 weeks
1981 in Leipzig.
The last official execution in Germany
Herman Lawrence was the last executioner. He went into retirement because of health issues. He has hand hand tremors. He gets brought out of retirement after a year. The method they want to employ is to shoot someone in the back of the head when the subject doesn’t expect it. He says he can’t do it and finds an old colleague, Folger, to be his successor. Herman finds himself mirrored in this younger man. When Folger finds out that the subject is a politically persecuted person he decides he can’t do it. Herman then decides to do it knowing that what he is doing is wrong.
Looking for:
All roles outside of DP
All actors
Short Film
Inspired by a true story. Social worker and his client are about to pick up garbage from a park. He is annoyed normally. But this time he is anxious and concerned. He is deflecting when asked what is wrong. He sees at the park a mother, father, and child and acts weird. The social worker gets a call from the police that they have a warrant for his arrest. The community service worker tries to distract him. The client bolts. The social worker tackles him. When asked what happens. He says that he hit someone with his car and that he knows that he won’t see his daughter who is in the hospital one more time. Will he hold him there or trust him and let him go?
Looking for:
2 main actors
Any help with crew
Sound recordist
Camera assistant
Location scout/help
Shooting within the next couple weeks
Ilya Blokh
12-15 minutes
A day in the life of a ping pong table.
Who are the people who come, why do they play? Looking for characters.
April/may when weather gets nicer
Looking for:
Sound person
Producer/Assistant Producer
German person to help
Short film from Molière – Tartuffe
Shooting this Saturday a very short scene in font of Babelsberg Castle around 10am
Looking for:
Lighting assistant to shoot for one hour
Holding a bounce board
Coffee and cake for sure provided
Lupo Chalwa
Media production company
Looking for people who want to get startup experience
Notes from Pitch & Planning #40 - September 06, 2023
We had a decent turnout at the last Pitch & Planning Session with lots of great pitches. The descriptions below are my best attempt to live transcribe them. If you are interested in helping out with any of the projects, or want more info, please reach out only to the person by their link. I do not have more information than I am posting. I hope to see you at the next one!
Lea Simon
Premiering her film soon, in November. Has worked on the film for 3 years.
She needs help working on the subtitles.
Art house film. 2 hours b/w film about the Hungarian history. Made for the German audience. Trans generation trauma. Trying to connect Eastern and Western Europe.
Looking for:
English native to help with a few pages of dialogue.
Middle/end of September
Ali Schmahl
Producer of feature films – Has 6 projects in the works. Has proof of concepts for three of the projects and is happy to show them.
Looking for:
Production Assistants
To work unpaid at first and then paid later when finance is acquired. You will be paid per the minimum wage according to the Verdi Union from your start date
1 or 2 days per week
About 4-5 hours per day
Can work remote
Mark Esper
20 min short film about an influencer and her friend who have massive problems.
Not funded
Looking for:
A location scout
Rivu Bhattacharya
Equipment is provided but unpaid
1)Gaffer for horror short 12 minutes. Shoot in Brandenburg
2)Looking for an editor for a film finished through the BFC
A pickpocket from a war torn country who has his heart broken.
12-15 minutes
Deadline 17/09
Looking for:
Editor to help continue with the editing
Gülce Öztürk
Serial Dater
Shooting her first film Sunday and Monday
A woman in her 30’s having terrible experiences on dating apps. At the end she thinks she finds the one. At the end she gets ghosted
Looking for:
2nd AD
Script Supervisor
Assistant Editor
Paul Henschel
Music video about people who change themselves over time. Someone looks like a motorcycle rider and then they later look old and
Looking for:
Makeup artist
Emily Nixon
Looking for: help finding agency lists and lists of funding organizations.
Notes from Pitch & Planning #39 - August 02, 2023
Shooting – Sunday Aug 13th
The story of the struggle to find a flat in Berlin
1 Actress and 1 Actor
We see someone who looks like they are going to a casting call for a movie only to later understand that it is actually an interview for a flat instead of for a role. Very non-PC script with awkward dialogue. Making fun of veganism, global warming and lactose intolerance.
Looking for:
Camera operator
Boom operator
With some equipment
Art director
Is a trained psychologist looking to make a documentary about communication and conflict resolution between two real people who have very different point of views. Mask vs non-mask, Brexit, non-lethal weapons for the police, etc.
She will Interview each participant to prepare for a filmed mediation between. Listening to feelings and needs and their humanity so that we understand these people.
People will be interviewed separately and then the video will be shown to their partner/friend. The goal is to try and see how they can better interact and find a solution.
Looking for:
Advice about how to film and produce.
Gülce Öztürk
Instagram – @bougainvilleaglabra
Short film
Dimensionsal Duet
10-20 min
Protagonist is a female architect who stays home, does yoga, works from home and has a generally steady routine. One day at 3am she falls asleep at her computer with a song playing.
She wakes up with the same song playing, but with slightly different lyrics. She finds herself in a different apartment with different clothes on. She is being called by people who consider her a friends who are telling her that she is late for her gig as a singer.
The woman is inhabiting an alternate version of herself.
She hears the other universal version of herself and they have to sing the same song together in order to return to their original universe/reality.
Has the story, but making it into a script and needs help with that.
Looking for:
Help with the script
Actress who can sing
Gianna Rahmani
Short film
30ish minutes
5 friends are living in a flat and are told by the landlord that they need to move out so that the landlord’s son who is a yuppie can move into his apt. One of the roommates is a middle class German who feels oppressed because she
They have a party in the flat and get angry about the state and how it protects the landlords. The group of friends decide to go to the landlords apt and occupy it. When they get there they catch him boning his secretary. They all argue about who is the most deserving person to take over his apartment.
Has very snarky dialogue. Has first 5 pages of script are ready as well as the treatment. Working on the rest and should be ready in a month.
Looking for:
All roles
Clara Polka
Short film which is half composed, half improvised and very heavily influenced by the music.
Looking to shoot around August.
A series of episodes of psychological problems in a thriller. Not dialogue heavy. Will rely heavily on music. Making the first episode as a proof of concept.
Narcissistic family has a boy who is born on a very fancy bed, but the bed has an infestation of bed bugs. Only the person who is sleeping on the bed know about the bed bugs. His family tell him the persistent symptoms he has is normal. He grows up knowing nothing but this experience. The bed bugs are animated and talk to him. There is also an animated bird or fairy who will try to help him.
He needs to learn that he can just get rid of this bed, but letting go of discomfort is difficult. Leaves the question to the audience of what is best.
Looking for:
Fancy apt/house
Male actor
Small boy
All crew
Victoria Likholyot
Inspired by a 19th century French novel Emile Zola “La Terre”
Between video art and art house.
Take the sense of this novel and translate into visual imagery.
Binary opposition between earth and heaven
Progress and traditions, male and female power.
Has reference images and a short script
How to show the text through the visual
Looking for:
People ok with making strange naked things
Rick Hübner
(Projekt Berlin UNCOVERED)
Mocumentary in the style of Californication
YouTube series with Instagram cut downs
5 episodes per seasons with 5 seasons
Based on real life experiences mixed with fiction
Shooting on iPhone
Cringey comedy a portrait of an actor who has been on many sets and done many roles. Every episode has one girl that he has a “relationship” with.
At the beginning of the next episode the woman from the end of the last episode leaves his apt.
Looking to start end of Sept. Trying to finish the season by the end of December.
Looking for:
Audio person
Lighting person
Producer to find locations
Rivu Bhattacharya
Short film about a Ukrainian refugee who has come to Berlin. He is a pickpocket. At one station he gets caught by someone who says he is not welcome at this station.
Berlin is principal character and we are seeing him from different perspectives.
We see perspective of person being robbed.
About the different things you can see when you have your eyes open.
He gets beat up badly, which we don’t see, by henchmen from a different gang of Berlin.
Looking for:
Two big guys to beat up the sickly skinny guy
Sound design
Background music for the film
Jacob Harrison
(I don’t have your contact details, please reach out if you see this)
Surface tension – short film
10 pages
Self funded
5 friends who are romantically entangled in complicated ways.
One character deeply kisses another in front of this very complicated group and betrayal and violence ensure.
Messy camera work, looking for a raw look.
Shooting late Sept.
Looking for:
2 actors
All roles- Camera, lighting, audio
Benedikt Roth
Mocumentary project for TikTok
Sitcom in TikTok format where the story will get tailored by feedback from comments.
Office, Veep, Parks and Rec influenced
Improvising as well as scripted
Looking for:
Co-Producer/Co-writer basically a collaborator
Maybe lighting
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088900857727
Horror/comedy short film
Around 15 minutes
In the style of Drag me to Hell – B-movie horror style
A group of 5 friends go to a party. One of the friends, named Josh, is super drunk. They push him into driving home and he crashed his car and dies. He comes back from the other side in order to haunt his friends. The friends look for a priest and other spiritual people to fight off Jacob.
Looking for:
Sound recordist
Lighting design
Makeup artist
Notes from Pitch & Planning #37 - April 12, 2023
insta: @studioukraine
Notes from Pitch & Planning #36 - February 01, 2023
Pitch 1 of 2
A guy gets kicked our off his WG. He signs up to work at a coworking space and live there to have a home. Has a gym and a shower as well. A commentary on the temporary way of clocking in and out of space. Also a love story that has a bit if a territorial natute. The banality of coworking spaces, the glamorized by some nature of being unhoused.
Patch of paradise
Comedy about Dachas (those areas with gardens and tiny houses) A dark comedy how each patch of grass is someone’s idenity. People blame each other based on their dachas features for the murder of one of their own. There is also jealousy and sexual tension. In the style of White Lotus.
Garden gnomes are featured
Sofie B. Løvereide
Short film
Beth has a lot of struggles. She is walking her bike to the bike shop. She had a sexual encounter the other night where she changed her mind while she was in the middle if the act, but didn’t tell her partner. She is talking about how it feels afterwards with her friends. About why didn’t she say anything.
1 day shoot – mid to late Feb.
Looking for:
Hubert Wolanski
Action/Drama/Martial Arts teaser or short film to lead to a feature.
Hero’s journey. Bad guy saves the hero at the end. Corrupted town hall, a girlfriend, and a gang. No wire work, all practical. Visuals are very important. Three factions interacting with each other.
Looking for:
Later on:
All production roles
Danny Goodman
At the end of 2000’s a young man moves to Berlin and loses his grip on normal life after getting dumped by his girlfriend. Danny Boyle style, ala Trainspotting. Character study. Berlin drug and party life drags him down. He is haunted and tries to suppress his emotions.
Protagonist and two best friends
Looking for:
Collaborative writer
Rachel Schoeppenthau
Swedish band Tonbruket was the inspiration.
Musicians will write the score and writers will work on the story simultaneously. The music and script both need to be finished before the shoot will take place. Musicians and writers will send Information back and forth.
Looking for:
Screenwriter to help with the ideas
Sooraj Pv
Pitch 1 of 2
Story of a son who dreams of his father as a German soldier from WWII and how his father deals with his the PTSD even still. In the dream a French and a German soldier are in combat and the French solider gets killed. Son wakes up from his dream of what his father went through. He goes into the corner of the room and is extremely emotional. His wife gets up and takes care of him. Situation traumatizes the kids of the German parents. And it broke up his parent’s relationship.
Looking for:
All production roles
Pitch 2 of 2
Sci-fi short film
Enthusiastic paleontologist travels back in time to learn about a goddess who disappeared from an old civilization. She gets stuck in the past and befriends and helps the cave men who worshipped this goddess. She then closes the loop becoming their goddess and only realizing when she gets rescued and returned to her present.
Looking for:
All Production help.
IG: anjarueegg_
Mail: anja.rueegg@bluewin.ch
Five in the light
Has absolutely no idea what the movie is about and no script. Her and her friends made up a title and told people at a few film festivals that they were working on this mysterious project, which got them some word of mouth promotion. . Now they want to make it real and have something to take to next years film festivals.
Maristela Ávila
Short Film
Approx 40 min
How you learn to love yourself. A self-love story. Finding the love in your veins. All Human beings are the same.
A woman has no physical contact. All things are done to limit human interaction.
Shooting from the 28th of Feb.
Also have a Filmmaker group called Filmmakers and Movie Nerds which meets on Sundays.
Actor 40’s or older
Actor 30’s
All genders are ok
Assistant Director
Has shot a lot of material. Outdoor shoots in a documentary style and inside one that are much more pornographic in nature. The two are linked but it’s not yet exactly clear.
Looking for:
Editor to help make sense of it.
Pitch 1 of 2
2-3 minutes. One take film. A man is Frozen in place in the forest. Deepak didn’t want to give away the story.
shooting is Feb 18th in Moabit.
Looking for:
The Assassins Creed (title is a WIP)
A man hires a Hitman to kill him as he is too chicken to kill himself.
Shooting in Mullberg.
Looking for:
Male Protagonist
Actress to play the assassin
Notes from Pitch & Planning #32 - October 12, 2022
Adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. Similar to the original novel and not at all like the
Disney version. A body horror movie. Beast is a big machine made of brass and with clockwork parts.
Involves dance and poetry. Dialogue written in prose.
Has a NYC Production house interested who is seeking funding.
Looking for:
Producer for grant search in Germany.
Anthony Mackliff
Short film about a Spanish family in Berlin who has many connections to their South American family.
Dinner scene that shows the dynamics of the Latino family. Mother of the main character dies. Film is about grief and how people react. Dealing with their dysfunctional family and the burial of his mother and a father who isn’t able to help out.
He is suppressing his feelings and eventually is able to release when he sees a mother in the park with a kid.
Looking for:
Spanish speaking actors – from Spain if possible. 60-65 years
or so.
Also looking to create a community of filmmakers
Actors of all languages, scriptwriter, DoP, sound, all positions.
Short music documentary. Already has a group of Ukrainian filmmakers. 5 minute video with musical elements of ethno based folk singing group. A thank you video to the German public. Goal is to have a dialogue between the newly arrived Ukrainian people and the German people to show Ukrainian culture and to show that we are all together.
Ukrainian folk group Divina. Them singing and telling their story’s in classical Berlin landmarks.
Filming in end of November
Looking for:
Budget of €7-8€K
Looking for help finding funding
Has most of the crew
Official support from a Verein, perhaps Vitsche.
But he is not dead, the girl is dead. He finds that he needs to be more empathetic. Finds the girls mother and confronts his own problems.
Second shoot is starting in early Nov. About Metaverse. What if we are not real, we are just an avatar. We are manipulated by social media. Get back our love for ourselves. Filters are giving back our live for ourselves. Lost the love we have for our own lives, our own personalities.
Our power is within us. We need a lot of empathy for all citizens of the world, regardless of country. Most important is the love for ourselves.
Looking for:
Actors for the new roles in English – open to all ages.
Movie about a young visual artist who falls in love with a woman he can only see through a super 8 camera. He follows her and then starts forming a relationship. Each interaction is only 3 min. long as that is the run time of a cartridge.
10-12 minutes
€500 budget – help
Guy and a girl who are English speaking
Metawold – Metamorphosis of a Wereworld
Shortest date ever. To be made for fun and YouTube. True life incident that happened to him. Will attempt 5 minute, single take short film. Two people meet through a dating app. Things go very awkwardly and end badly and quickly.
Early November shoot.
Looking for:
Male lead. Beer belly
2 of 2
Locked up
A depressed Ukrainian meets her alter ego who turns out to be her deceased mother. Traumatic event.
Looking for:
Mom around 35 year old
Psychologist – Female
Danting Chen
The necessity of it
Will be shot in Crete late April May.
Drama set in 80’s Greece. A painter grieves for her late daughter on an island when the absent father comes to visit, unaware of their daughter’s death.
20 minute film
Has a company in Athens, but looking for German funding.
6 day shoot. Shooting on Alexa Mini.
Looking for:
Producer to seek funding. To get free flights for the crew. Speaks German, English.
Social Media Manager
Unpaid, but all fees covered.
Documentary project about healings trauma through art. Will be self reflective story. Will also be about the justice system and a criticism of the system of law around sexual violence. Will also have elements of people in motion. Dancing, martial arts, etc. Wants different cultural backgrounds to be represented. Working against the stigma of mental health problems and the silence and guilt around sexual violence. Focus on healing and awareness.
30 minutes film or longer
Looking for:
Other interview subjects who are also survivors of sexual violence
All Crew:
Notes from Pitch & Planning #31 - June 8, 2022
Jonathan Sebunya
Will be creating 4 different short films based on 4 songs he has written and recorded.
Lyrics from the song for context: “Will it be like when we first met? Will I run away in the end? Will you run away in the end?”
Looking For:
2 actors
Krasi Paskalev
Beginning April he shot a 20 min short film about three scientists from NASA who receive a transmission from an astronaut on the moon. Through their negligence they decide not to help him. Their boss comes in and yells at them. Has Seinfeld vibes.
Looking For:
Someone to create the VFX space ship that comes back down to Earth
Approximately 5 seconds of footage
Small budget
Middle August
90 minute feature film called Joyride about a Berlin couple Irina a 39 year old Ukrainian married to Paul, a German who teaches at a nursery school/ Together they have a 4 year old boy.
Viktor a Theater Director in Ukraine calls Irina to try to leave the country and not join the military. Paul refuses saying it is not his business.
Sofia who has escaped the war and is a friend of Irina wants to go back to Ukraine from Berlin. They decide to take her and bring back Viktor.
Road movie about German fear. Paul is fearful and a pacifist. Their 89 Volvo breaks down. They have plenty of time to discuss sex, relationships, war, and other topics.
They have to cross the border at a non-sanctioned place and after arguing, go to pick up Viktor from a datscha. They learn that he is being held by a lone Russian soldier who wants to defect to Germany. They have a tense exchange with the soldier.
During this Irina reveals to Paul that Viktor is actually the father of what he though was his child and this is the reason she wants to bring him to Germany. Irina gets shot and needs to get to a hospital and pacifist Paul needs to take action. They return to Berlin after things have massively changed.
10-15 days
DP and cast are already on board
Looking for:
All other positions
Script will be in a mix of German, English, and Ukrainian
Catherine Schulze
Short film
3-5 minute long short comedy
Has vibes from The Office And Ricky Gervais in general
A guy who goes to an audition and has to deal with an obnoxious and difficult director. The director leaves the room and someone within the room asks him if he thinks the director is a piece of shit. He answers yes and only after doing so realized that the camera is still rolling.
Looking for:
2 actors – 1 straight person and one comedian
Awkward situational comedy, breaking the fourth wall
Anyone willing to be a part of the crew
One day shoot. As soon as possible. Wry, fun shoot.
Tilting films
Notes from Pitch & Planning #30 - May 11, 2022
Pitch # 1 of 2
The Lifeguard
Teen Thriller
Book series being adapted into a movie
A girl who comes to a holiday island to meet her boyfriend. There are a series of killings. You hear the murder’s and the victim both of whom present an omniscient narrator perspective which may be unreliable. It is a lot of chaos.
Looking for:
Beach setting
Beach tourists
Real lifeguard to discuss the role
People to develop the dialogue
Pitch #2 of 2
Title: I Like NY in June
Judy Galrland movie
Two characters walking through streets after college, doing interviews, getting photos taken for headshots.
Getting a dialogue going explaining what they are going through.
A person with a disability goes through this same events and how their perspective is different.
Based on Shakespear’s Julius Ceaser
Looking for:
Someone to help with script
Yves Guillaume
Coming of age series in a mixed martial arts world.
A boy and a girl come from toxic families
An older MMA fighter becomes a father figure and they form a family like environment. Theme is the family you choose versus the family you are born into. Likely dialogue will be in German.
Looking for:
A writing partner
MMA knowledgeable people
Linda Paganelli
A documentary project with the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
Multimedia project looking for people who have had issues with gentrification.
Carmina Orozco
Insta: @carminaorlo
Masters project
Documentary project. Personal story about relationship with brother. Her brother was admitted to a psychiatric ward. She boards a plane to Hungary and this changes her relationship to more of a mother figure. Story told through pictures from them as they were young as well as using actors to recreate the scenes.
To be shot in June and July
Looking for:
Editor (Spanish would be helpful)
Pitch #2 of 2
Teaser about hair loss and how it impacts men.
Documentary. Filming in the next two weeks.
Looking for:
People willing to talk about their experiences loosing their hair.
D Robert Errey
Short documentary film which will start out educating then switch to the hypothetical and fantastical future. Teaches about dementia. Then shifts to cryogenics and imagines what would happen if someone gets taken into the future. What about someone who suffers from dementia? Also, the idea of dementia being someone who has one foot in another dimension. How would this tie them to the after life? Maybe they are on their way into another dimension? Also how DMT relates to this transitional space between life and death.
Had worked as a social worker and has experience with these issues.
Looking for:
Script advisor to help organize their ideas
Preferably someone with mental health knowledge.
Visual effects (think Enter the void)
Tariq Omer
True lies (WIP title)
A young man is raised religious and told not to lie. A man is having trouble finding his true love and works on himself while trying to also find love. He learns that when you lie to yourself sometimes the lie can become reality. A woman lies to him when approached saying she has a boyfriend. All the past of what he said in terms of lies starts to become true.
Has beginning of the story
Looking for:
Someone to help with script writing
Notes from Pitch & Planning #29 - Apr. 13, 2022
Laura Girvent Alcalde
Short film – Poetic
About 10 minutes
Shooting in about a month
A prostitute and her life and how she interacts with her clients using tango dancing. Two women. The other sees the proustite very often. She will try to help the prostitute from her circumstances. Switch to abstract dancing with clients. About sex workers who find themselves in very dangerous circumstances.
Looking For:
Sasha Zivkovic
From the fine art world
Feature Film – making a 15 minute pilot to make a bigger film.
Experimental film. Robinson Crusoe in an office. A strange character who follows their own procedures. No dialogue you get caught up in their R&D which ends up looking like artwork. Someone who can’t understand in their isolation. Based in a glass space with wide shots.
Intercut with image sequences. A frame, some rope. He is on an island in a river. This is his personal spot. The island is his terminal phase. He is conducting a funeral, but open ended as to the representation and direction at the end.
May use voice over.
Style of Roy Anderson
Looking for:
Sound board
Camera crew
Actor – theatrical person who acts well with their body.
Asking for projects to produce. Looking for short film scripts, ideas, pitches to help produce your short film. Ready to make a short this year and a feature next year.
If you already have a short or feature send him a screener and he will see if he can get you sales/distribution.
He is also a part of AlefCine Pictures which has a Post production studio and can handle Editing/Coloring/Mastering/DCP creation.
Anastasiia Malysheva – Ukrainian Locations/Costume/Production Designer new to Berlin looking for work.
+380963713041 (WhatsApp)
Has website/portfolio
Looking for work. Wanting to finish her studies.
Notes from Pitch & Planning #28 - Mar. 09, 2022
Jean-Michel Brawand
Film Title – Vietnam
2 criminals, a Croatian and a Romanian who don’t know each other have to dig up the body of a young woman and take it to somewhere in Berlin so it can be inspected by a criminal. They then have to dispose of the body. They form a brotherly bond through this act.
Feature film, 2nd one he has directed
5-6 locations
Bulk of shooting take place next week through May.
Deals with history. Meant to invoke the way humans in the 20th century relate to history and don’t know how to deal with collective trauma.
Looking for:
A journey of a girl with telekinetic abilities who must flee her home world to find her love who is more like an uncle/teacher. She needs to rescue him from another dimension. In order to do so she needs to convert to a non-material form in order to cross dimensions.
Sci-fi tragic comedy
Looking for:
1 archiver
Abbas Mohammed Aub
Short – around 15 minutes
Shooting next week 18/3/22
Shooting next weeks. Afghan artistic woman who comes to Germany and tries to find her way. 20 year old woman, who’s life revolves around her brother and her uncle. She has an unexpected opportunity presents itself. She is a Tiktoker, artist and her family is trying to stop her from pursuing this path.
Looking for:
Persian actress
Notes from Pitch & Planning #27 - Feb. 02, 2022
Stefanie founded AlefCine Pictures, a full service production company that takes care of the whole process from pre-production, through production, and through to sales and distribution. They can actually sell short films for theatrical release.
There is a studio where they can handle the post production: editing, color, sound.
Website will be released soon.